The June 2008 issue of ‘The Director’ Magazine of the IoD, included a well researched feature on the subject of CSR. It was to me, an informative, yet bewildering overview…
Life has become a compromise – in tea, it is a compromise (for most brand owners) between profit and quality, with quality losing out unfortunately. Ultimately though the power to…
Fine Tea has so many parallels with fine wine, fine cigars and other indulgences. To experience tea in the most complete and satisfying manner, one has to start well before…
DilmahFacts of TeaImages of TeaTeaUnbelievable Tea Experiences
The beauty in the leaf
by Dilhanby DilhanHere’s where it all starts, the two tender leaves and the bud. Picking tea by hand, as we do in Sri Lanka, ensures that we use just these two leaves…
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